Course Descriptions

IQ/Objects Courses

IQ/IQ Access Courses

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IQ/Objects Fundamentals

Description: This course will provide instruction in all of the primary features of IQ/objects including basic report design, defining and formatting text and column objects. You will learn how to generate report templates, 2D/3D Charts and Crosstab reports and how to preview, print and save your work. Practical examples and hands-on practice exercises in each area will help to reinforce these skills.

Who should attend: Business users that need to write basic graphical reports. Should have strong windows knowledge and familiarity with report design. Database and SQL knowledge not required.

Length: 2 days

IQ/Objects Advanced Features

Description: This course covers the powerful advanced features of IQ/Objects such as SQL override, Child reports, custom column objects and OLE objects. You will receive expert instruction in developing command files and product customization.

Who should attend: Power users that will develop complex reports and command files. Must have attended the IQ/Objects Fundamentals class. Strong windows and graphical design experience as well as database and SQL knowledge required.

Length: 1 day

Knowledge Base Management

Description: This course will furnish the instruction and information you need to manipulate how your database looks from within IQ/Objects. You will learn how to create global custom columns, alias table names and override column names. Issues such as importing database information, joining tables and database connection preference are covered in detail.

Who should attend: Those with DBA or strong database knowledge including ODBC and data source experience.

Length: 1 day

IQ/Objects Comprehensive Course

Description: This is the complete IQ Pro education and covers all of the options from:

Who should attend: Power users that require instruction in both basic and advanced reporting skills as well as DBA topics.

Length: 4 days

IQ V5 GUI SQL Accelerated

Description: Receive expert instruction in all of the features and benefits of the latest version of IQ and IQ Access. You will obtain complete training for the Version 5 data access product at an accelerated pace. The course also provides details of maintaining your IQ operating environment as well as creating and maintaining your data dictionary. Through a combination of lecture and hands-on exercises, the concepts of static and dynamic data dictionary elements and the various aspects of creating table definitions and table relationships will be presented.

Benefits: In addition to learning all the functions of creating IQ reports, labels and charts, you will learn how to configure IQ to your specific installation needs and how to manipulate data with IQ into summary or subset files for use in other IQ procedures. You will have the opportunity to ask our experienced instructors questions about setup situations specific to your application.

Who should attend: IQ users with SQL knowledge and an understanding of database concepts. Anyone responsible for administration of the IQ software at their site.


  • Report writer features: applying fonts, attributes, colors, "drag and drop" movement of text and columns
  • Date/time conversions and math
  • Pick list Reports
  • Subheading, subtotaling, totaling, and page footings
  • Performing temporary field functions (arithmetic, prompt, initialize, move, concatenate, and substring)
  • Choosing output destination and format
  • Submitting processes to IQ/SmartServer.
  • Creating cross-tabulation or matrix output
  • Multi-level sorting and subtotaling
  • Calculating subtotal percentages
  • Saving procedures as icons
  • NULL handling
  • Using the toolbar
  • Activating program preferences
  • IF-THEN-ELSE commands
  • Editing SQL statements
  • Printer and label definitions
  • IQ utilities
  • Configuring IQ for international usage, case sensitivity, date and field formatting
  • Joining tables into IQ views
  • Dynamic and static data dictionary concepts
  • Implementation of combination dynamic and static data dictionaries

    Note: This course would also be useful to you if you are using IQ Version 4 for SQL.

    Length: 4 days

    IQ V5 SmartServer Administration

    Description: This one day course provides orientation and instruction in the usage, administration and features of the SmartServer product for SQL databases on the UNIX operating system.

    Benefits: You will learn how to achieve maximum benefits and productivity from the Resource Manager, Jobs Database and Scheduler programs. The technical aspects of installing, configuring and maintaining SmartServer will be discussed in detail.

    Who should attend: UNIX System Administrator or Database Administrator who will be responsible for management and maintenance of jobs submitted to SmartServer.


  • Configuration of SmartServer product
  • Usage of Resource Manager
  • Management of Jobs Database
  • Environmental considerations
  • Trouble shooting

    Length: 1 day

    IQ V4 GUI SQL Accelerated

    Description: This course demonstrates all of the features, benefits and power of using IQ and IQ Access Version 4 for SQL databases an accelerated pace. It also provides details of maintaining your IQ operating environment as well as creating and maintaining your data dictionary. You will learn how to configure your environment including printers, security, and program preferences. Through a combination of lecture and hands-on exercises, the concepts of static and dynamic data dictionary elements and the various aspects of creating table definitions and table relationships will be presented.

    Benefits: In addition to learning all of the features of creating quick queries, reports and charts, you will receive instruction in the configuration of IQ to your specific installation needs and how to manipulate data with IQ into summary or subset files for use in other IQ procedures. You will have the opportunity to ask our experienced instructors questions about setup situations specific to your application.

    Who should attend: IQ users with SQL knowledge and an understanding of database concepts. Anyone responsible for maintaining the IQ software at their site.


  • Report writer features: applying fonts, attributes, colors, "drag and drop" movement of text and columns
  • Subheading, subtotaling, totaling, and page footings
  • Performing temporary field functions (arithmetic, prompt, initialize, move, concatenate, and substring)
  • Choosing output destination and format
  • Creating cross-tabulation or matrix output
  • Multi-level sorting and subtotaling
  • Calculating subtotal percentages
  • Saving procedures as icons
  • NULL handling
  • Activating program preferences
  • IF-THEN-ELSE commands
  • Control break logic
  • Editing SQL statements
  • Printer and label definitions
  • IQ utilities
  • Configuring IQ for international usage, case sensitivity, date and field formatting
  • Joining tables into IQ views
  • Dynamic and static data dictionary concepts
  • Implementation of combination dynamic and static data dictionaries

    Length: 4 days

    IQ V5/V4 GUI Non-SQL Accelerated

    Description: This course demonstrates all of the features, benefits and power of using the latest releases of IQ and IQ Access Version 4 or Version 5 in a graphical environment at an accelerated pace.

    Benefits: In addition to learning the data access tools, such as quick query, report painter, labels and charts, you will receive instruction in data manipulation and generation of data subsets..

    Who should attend: IQ users with some programming background who are interested in using IQ to its fullest capabilities.


  • Report writer features: applying fonts, attributes, colors, "drag and drop" movement of text and columns
  • Subheading, subtotaling, totaling, and page footings
  • Performing temporary field functions (arithmetic, prompt, initialize, move, concatenate, and substring)
  • Pick list reports (V5 Only)
  • Choosing output destination and format
  • Creating cross-tabulation or matrix output
  • Multi-level sorting and subtotaling
  • Calculating subtotal percentages
  • Saving procedures as icons
  • Using the toolbar
  • Activating program preferences
  • IF-THEN-ELSE logic

    Length: 2 days

    IQ V5/V4/V3 Non-SQL System Manager

    Description: This course provides details of maintaining your IQ operating environment. You will learn how to configure printer and label definitions as well as how to configure IQ to run in batch or background processing (if you are running on a UNIX or VMS system). Also, IQ's security enhancements will be demonstrated through hands-on exercises.

    Benefits: You will learn how to configure IQ to your specific installation needs and the special considerations necessary to maintain IQ on multiple operating system environments.

    Who should attend: If you are responsible for maintenance and administration of your users' IQ environment, this class will be invaluable to you.


  • Printer and label definition
  • IQ utilities
  • Configuring IQ for international usage, case sensitivity, date and field formatting
  • Logicals, symbols, and other system variables
  • Security setup and design

    Length: ½ day

    IQ V5/V4/V3 Non-SQL Data Dictionary Design & Maintenance

    Description: This course provides details of creating and maintaining your data dictionary. Through a combination of lecture and hands-on exercises, you will learn the various aspects of creating file definitions and file relationships.

    Benefits: We will teach you the most efficient way to define your data files to IQ. This course is critical to the effective presentation of your data in IQ reports.

    Who should attend: If you are responsible for creating or maintaining the definition of your application data, this class is for you.


  • File definition basics
  • Category creation and design
  • Linkage methods
  • Troubleshooting ideas
  • Two-pass processing and intermediate file creation
  • Multiple record type processing
  • Proper key definition to take advantage of the search on key performance enhancement

    Length: 1½ days

    IQ V5/V4 Non-SQL Accelerated Complete

    This option includes all of the following courses:

  • IQ V5/V4 Accelerated
  • IQ V5/V4 /V3 System Manager
  • IQ V5/V4/V3 Data Dictionary Maintenance & Design

    Length: 4 days

    IQ V5/V4 GUI Fundamentals

    Description: This course, especially designed for end-users, introduces all of the features of using IQ and IQ Access Version 5 (or Version 4).

    Benefits: You will gain extensive hands-on experience in creating columnar with grid, graphical report, matrix, chart, spreadsheet and word-processing output. This course will allow you to be instantly productive with the IQ tools.

    Who should attend: Intended for most users in your organization other than those responsible for maintaining your operating environment or data dictionary. Database knowledge not required.


  • Report writer features: applying fonts, attributes, colors, "drag and drop" movement of text and columns
  • Subheading, subtotaling, totaling, and page footings
  • Pick list reporting (Version 5 only)
  • Performing temporary field functions (arithmetic, prompt, initialize, move, concatenate, and substring)
  • Choosing output destination and format
  • Creating cross-tabulation or matrix output
  • Multi-level sorting and subtotaling
  • Calculating subtotal percentages
  • Saving procedures as icons

    Length: 2 days

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